Pet System

Pet System Header.png

General Information

Version 15.5 the new Pet System is introduced in metin. With this system we can hatch, evolve and feed new pets. The system is independant from the old pets. There are so far 6 different pets on the new system:

To get a Pet, first you need to obtain the eggs

Egg Boss
Background.pngMonkey Egg.png Monkey Egg , , , Background.pngSilver Okey Chest.png Silver Okey Chest, Background.pngGolden Okey Chest.png Golden Okey Chest, Background.pngGolden Fish Chest (S).png Golden Fish Chest (L) , Background.pngSilver Yut Nori Bundle.png Silver Yut Nori Bundle
Background.pngSpider Egg.png Spider Egg , Background.pngSilver Okey Chest.png Silver Okey Chest, Background.pngGolden Okey Chest.png Golden Okey Chest, Background.pngSilver Yut Nori Bundle.png Silver Yut Nori Bundle, Tombola
Background.pngRazador's Egg.png Razador's Egg Background.pngRazador's Chest.png Razador's Chest, Background.pngSilver Okey Chest.png Silver Okey Chest, Background.pngGolden Okey Chest.png Golden Okey Chest, Background.pngSilver Yut Nori Bundle.png Silver Yut Nori Bundle, Background.pngGolden Yut Nori Bundle.png Golden Yut Nori Bundle, Tombola
Background.pngNemere's Egg.png Nemere's Egg Background.pngNemere's Chest.png Nemere's Chest, Background.pngSilver Okey Chest.png Silver Okey Chest, Background.pngGolden Okey Chest.png Golden Okey Chest, Background.pngSilver Yut Nori Bundle.png Silver Yut Nori Bundle, Background.pngGolden Yut Nori Bundle.png Golden Yut Nori Bundle, Tombola
Background.pngBlue Dragon Egg.png Blue Dragon Egg Background.pngGolden Okey Chest.png Golden Okey Chest, Tombola
Background.pngRed Dragon Egg.png Red Dragon Egg Background.pngQueen Meley's Chest.png Queen Meley's Chest
Background.pngBaby Bashido's Egg.png Baby Bashido's Egg
Background.pngFat Mini Executor Egg.png Fat Mini Executor Egg Background.pngChrysanthemum Box.png Chrysanthemum Box, Background.pngMay Bell Box.png May Bell Box
Background.pngNessie Egg.png Nessie Egg Background.pngHydra's Chest.png Hydra's Chest
Background.pngMini Azrael's Egg.png Mini Azrael's Egg Background.pngPet Chest.png Pet Chest
Background.pngExedyar's Egg.png Exedyar's Egg Palace of the Dragon King
Background.pngWhite Dragon Egg.png White Dragon Egg Background.pngWh. Dragon Chest (Heavy).png Wh. Dragon Chest (Heavy)
Background.pngGuardian Egg.png Guardian Egg Sung Mahi Invasion
  • The eggs have 7 day duration and will disapear after the time expires, the eggs can be used to hatch a new pet or to feed already hatched pets.

Pet Names

Incubator Screen.png

When you click with the right mouse button on a Egg, a new window will open called "Incubator" where you can chose your pet name.
This will cost you 100.000 yang.
Pet names need to have between 4 and 20 characters.
Pet names are not unique (several pets can have the same name)
If you do not input a name, a default one will be assigned.

Game rules apply as usual when choosing pet name

Pet User Interface

thumbPet UI Button

To access pet user interface you can press "P" on your keyboard, while pet is active, or you can press the button between the "4" and "F1" shortcuts, in this case 2 buttons will appear, one for the alchemy system and the other to the new Pet User Interface.

Pet UI.png
  • Icon: Top left, shows the icon of the seal.
  • Identify Pet Button: Top left, allows you to see what pet type the summoned pet is.
  • 1st Line: Shows Pet Stage (Young, Wild, Valiant, Heroic)
  • 2nd Line: Pet Name
  • Level: Shows pet current level (pets can reach owner's maximum level (1-105).
  • Experience: Shows the ammoutn of experience the pet has.
  • Age: Shows how old the pet is.
  • Duration: The red bar chows how much time the pet as left, it refills when pet is feeded.
  • Feed: Button that opens the feeding window.
  • Evolve: Button that opens the evolve window.
  • Item EXP: Button that opens the window that allows pet to consume gear in order to fill the last 10% EXP of each level.
  • Bonuses: Bonus given by pet when active.
  • HP Gives more HP to player
  • Defense Gives more defense to player
  • SP Gives more SP to player
  • Bonuses percentages increase randomly with stage, age and level of pet.
  • Skill: Pets can have up to 3 skills, these are only unlocked in the last Valiant Stage
  • Tabs: Red tab is the normal pet interface, blue tab is the Enchant Pet UI

Pet Duration

  • Pet duration can be consulted in the red bar visible on pet interface, or on mouse over on the pet seal.
    *Pet duration is random and is set when hatching the pet.
  • Pet duration cannot be increased, it can however be refilled by feeding the pet.
  • Normal pets duration is from 1 to 14 days. Meley pet can have 48 days duration.

Note: Real time, not play time


When clicking the button Feed on the Pet User Interface the feeding window will appear

Feeding Window.jpg
  • All Eggs and pets (live and dead) can be used as food for your pet.
  • When feeding with eggs and pets, the duration of your pet will be refilled 3% to 5%.
  • Feeding your pet with Background.pngProtein Snack.png Protein Snack will refill your pet duration to 100%.

Pet Death

When the duration of a pet expires, it will die.

  • Using Background.pngProtein Snack.png Protein Snack the pet will be revived with 50% of it's duration refilled.
  • If a pet is revived he will keep his bonuses and skills, but his age will be reseted.

Leveling and EXP

Pet EXP Balls.jpg
  • Pet can reach the same level as the player, to a maximum of 105 at the moment.
  • If the pet is higher level than the player it cannot be activated but it can be kept on inventory anyway.
  • Each time the pet reaches a certain point of exp (22.5, 45, 67.5, 90% and 100%) you will see an effect, similar to when players are leveling.
  • On each level you are required to fill 4 red balls, 90%, by killing mobs, and the final blue ball, by sacrificing items to fill the remaining last 10%.
  • The ammount of Item EXP obtained from each item varies according to the NPC price of each item.
  • You can fill the blue balls before the red are complete, exceding Item EXP will be stored for the next level.
  • Pet needs to be active to collect EXP from the mobs it's owner is killing
  • Pet can loose EXP uppon death of the player. (Needs confirmation).

Stages and evolving

While leveling your pet, at certain key points the pet can evolve to a different stage, the requirements are as follow:

Stage Level Requirements
Young 1-40 No requirements - all freshly hatched eggs
Wild 41-80 Young Pet Level 40, full EXP
10x Background.pngYoung Pet Book.png Young Pet Book, 10x Background.pngSpider Egg Sack.png Spider Egg Sack, 10x Background.pngWhite Hairband+.png White Hairband+, 10x Background.pngShiriken.png Shiriken, 10x Background.pngOrnamental Hairpin.png Ornamental Hairpin, 5x Background.pngBlack Uniform+.png Black Uniform+, 5x Background.pngPiece of Ice+.png Piece of Ice+
Valiant 81+ Wild Pet Level 80, full EXP
10x Background.pngWild Pet Book.png Wild Pet Book, 2x Background.pngBlood-Red Pearl.png Blood-Red Pearl, 10x Background.pngFace Cream.png Face Cream, 10x Background.pngYeti Fur+.png Yeti Fur+, 10x Background.pngOrnament.png Ornament, 10x Background.pngBall.png Ball, 5x Background.pngCurse Book+.png Curse Book+
Heroic 81+ Valiant Pet level 81+ and 30+ Days Old
10xBackground.pngValiant Pet Book.png Valiant Pet Book, 10x Background.pngUnknown Medicine+.png Unknown Medicine+, 2x Background.pngWhite Pearl.png White Pearl, 2x Background.pngBlue Pearl.png Blue Pearl, 10x Background.pngDemon's Keepsake+.png Demon's Keepsake+, 10x Background.pngOrc Tooth+.png Orc Tooth+, 5x Background.pngBlue Belt.png Blue Belt

Stats progression - Pet Types

  • There are 8 pet types. Note that type 7 and 8 can only be obtained using Background.pngEnchant Pet.png Enchant Pet
Pet Type Level HP Each X Levels % Increase
1 6 0.1-0.5
2 5 0.2-0.3
3 6 0.1-0.7
4 5 0.3-0.4
5 6 0.1-0.9
6 5 0.5-0.6
7 6 0.1-1.0
8 5 0.5-0.7
Pet Enchant UI.png

Note that the type of the pet also affects the starting stats and the lifespan, but the table is made considering only the HP increase on each type

You can identify your pet type by clicking the button on the top left corner of your Pet UI IdentifyPetTypeButton.png you need to have a Background.pngPet Destiny Orb.png Pet Destiny Orb on your inventory

To change your pet type, open the Pet UI by pressing "P" choose the second tab on the bottom, and right click on the pet seal that you wish to change, you need to have a Background.pngEnchant Pet.png Enchant Pet on your inventory


Pet skils are unlock on the last stage, the number of skills unlocked is set upon hatching of the egg and can be 1, 2 or 3 skills. The skills can be active or passive.
Passive skills are always present and it's effect is displayed on top left corner with an icon. Active skills are triggered automatically on specific situations, active skills have cooldown.
You can choose the pet skills by reading the wiched Pet Skill Book.
After your pet has learned the skill, a "+" will appear in the skill, to evolve it each skill level will require Yang
Skills can be evolved up to level 20.
You can get the Skill Books for pet by opening Background.pngPet Book Chest.png Pet Book Chest.
There are 23 different skills to chose from!

Icon Skill Book Skill description
Resistance.png Resistance (Warrior) Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Resistance (Warrior) Resistance to Warrior attacks (passive)
Resistance.png Resistance (Sura) Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Resistance (Sura) Resistance to Sura attacks (passive)
Resistance.png Resistance (Ninja) Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Resistance (Ninja) Resistance to Ninja attacks (passive)
Resistance.png Resistance (Shaman) Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Resistance (Shaman) Resistance to Shaman attacks (passive)
Resistance.png Resistance (Lycan) Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Resistance (Lycan) Resistance to Lycan attacks (passive)
Berserker.png Berserker Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Berserker Book Attack value increased (passive)
Anti-Magic.png Anti-Magic Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Anti-Magic Book Reduce enemy magic resistance (passive)
Haste.png Haste Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Haste Book Skill cooldown reduced (passive)
Drill.png Drill Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Drill Book Increased chance of piercing hits (passive)
Restoration.png Restoration Background.pngRestoration Book.png Restoration Book HP will be restored as soon as it drops below 20%
Vampirism.png Vampirism Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Vampirism Book Leech HP from the enemy (passive)
Spiritualism.png Spiritualism Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Spiritualism Book Leech SP from the enemy (passive)
Bulwark.png Bulwark Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Bulwark Book Physical damage is blocked (passive)
Reflection.png Reflection Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Reflection Book Damage taken is reflected back at the enemy (passive)
Yang Drop.png Yang Drop Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Yang Drop Book Yang drop rate is increased (passive)
Range.png Range Background.pngResistance (Warrior).png Range Book Range of your bow is increased (passive)
Immortal.png Immortal Background.pngRestoration Book.png Immortal Book Chance of temporary invincibility
Panacea.png Panacea Background.pngRestoration Book.png Panacea Book Chance to remove bleeding, slow and poison effects
Light as a Feather.png Light as a Feather Background.pngLight as a Feather Book.png Light as a Feather Book After learning this skill, your pet has the Feather Walk hability.
Eagle Eyes.png Eagle Eyes Background.pngEagle Eyes Book.png Eagle Eyes Book After learning this skill, your pet increases the EXP you gain.
Master Brewer.png Master Brewer Background.pngMaster Brewer Book.png Master Brewer Book After learning this skill, your pet increases the effectiveness of regeneration potions.
Monster Hunter.png Monster Hunter Background.pngMonster Hunter Book.png Monster Hunter Book After learning this skill, your pet increases the effectiveness of strength against monsters.
Life Drain.png Life Drain Background.pngLife Drain Book.png Life Drain Book After learning this skill, your pet gives you the hability to absorb HP from monsters killed.

Skills values

  • For information purposes, will only be listed the values of the skills on max level 20
  • Hihlighted in bold it's each pet speciality
  • Please note that the level of the pet influences the skill values, therefore these are for reference purposes only with tests done on pets level 105
Skill Name Skill Action Skill Values
Monkey Spider Razador Nemere Dragon Meley Baashido Nessie FatMiniExecutor Mini Azrael
Attack bonus
(magical and physical)
+8% +8% +11-13% +8% +11-13% +8% +11-13% +8% +8-11% +8%
Anti magic
Reduces Enemy magic resistance 10% 10% 10% 11-14% 10% 10% 10% 10% 11-11% 10%
Resistance (Lycan)
Resistance against Lycan attacks 12% 13-14% 12% 12% 12% 12% 13-14% 12% 12% 13-14%
Resistance (Warrior)
Resistance against Warrior attacks 13-14% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12%
Resistance (Shaman)
Resistance against Shaman attacks 12% 12% 12% 13-14% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12%
Resistance (Sura)
Resistance against Sura attacks 13-14% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12%
Resistance (Ninja)
Resistance against Ninja attacks 12% 12% 13-14% 12% 13-14% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12%
Chance of Piercing Hits 10% 10% 11-13% 10% 11-13% 10% 10% 10% 11-13% 10%
HP Absorption 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%-8% 6% 6% 6%
SP Absorption 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7%-10% 7% 7% 7%
Increase range of archers attack 6-8m 6-8m 7-8m 7-8m 7-8m 6m 6m 6m 7-8m 6-8m
Yang Drop.png
Yang Drop
Increase chance of double yang drop 108-116% 106% 106% 106% 106% 106% 108-116% 106% 106% 106%
Block 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12-15% 12% 12-15% 12% 12%
Casting Speed 18% 18% 18% 18% 18% 19-22% 18% 19-22% 18% 18%
Reflect 6% 7-9% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6-8%
Eagle Eyes.png
Eagle Eyes
Increases EXP gain 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
Master Brewer.png
Master Brewer
Increases regeneration potion effectivness 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 11-14% 10% 11-14% 10% 10%
Monster Hunter.png
Monster Hunter
Strength Against Monsters 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 9-12% 8% 9-12% 8% 8%
Life Drain.png
Life Drain
Restore HP 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
Restores X amount of HP when it drops below 20% 7066-7200 points 7066-7200 points 7133-7333 points 7133-7333 points 7133-7333 points 7133-7200 points 7000
7133-7333 points 7133-7200 points 7066-7200 points
57% Chance of restoring ; Cooldown 480 sec
Chance of removing nocive effects 41% 41% 41% 47-67% 41% 47-67% 41% 47-67% 41% 41%
Cooldown 480 sec
Chance of temporary invencibility for X seconds 2.7 sec 2.7 - 2.8sec 2.7 sec 2.7 sec 2.7 sec 2.8-3.0 sec 2.7 sec 2.8-3.0 sec 2.7 sec 2.7-2.9 sec
52% Chance of invincibility ; Cooldown 600 sec
Light as a Feather.png
Light as a Feather
Chance of activating Feather Walk on your Pet 175-1400 Damage 175-1400 Damage 175-1400 Damage 175-1400 Damage 175-1400 Damage 175-1400 Damage 375-1400
175-1400 Damage 175-1400 Damage 175-1400 Damage
57% Chance of activating Feather Walk; Cooldown 180 sec

Other information

  • Pet doesn't have HP, SP or any stat values.
  • Using a Background.pngTransport Box.png Transport Box pet can be tradable for a 30 day period.
  • Only one pet from this system can be used at any given time, but it can be used along with 1 pet from the old system.
  • Pet cannot take any damage.
  • Bonus, number of skills, pet size is generated randomly.
  • Pets change size and colour when evolving stages.

Required EXP

Level Needed EXP Needed Item EXP
1 135 15
2 360 40
3 675 75
4 1.125 125
5 1.935 215
6 3.240 360
7 4.950 550
8 7.650 850
9 10.800 1.200
10 14.850 1.350
11 19.350 2.150
12 26.100 2.900
13 34.200 3.800
14 45.000 5.000
15 58.000 6.500
16 76.050 8.450
17 98.550 10.950
18 127.350 14.150
19 164.250 18.250
20 212.400 23.600
21 274.500 30.500
22 317.250 35.250
23 365.850 40.650
24 421.650 46.850
25 484.650 53.850
26 556.650 61.850
27 638.100 70.900
28 730.800 81.200
29 835.650 92.850
30 954.900 106.100
31 1.089.450 121.500
32 1.242.450 138.050
33 1.413.226 157.250
34 1.611.000 179.000
35 1.833.000 203.650
36 2.084.400 231.600
37 2.337.300 255.300
38 2.572.650 285.850
39 2.818.800 313.200
40 3.076.350 341.850
Level Needed EXP Needed Item EXP
41 3.420.000 380.000
42 3.723.300 413.700
43 4.045.500 449.500
44 4.388.850 487.650
45 4.752.000 528.000
46 5.134.500 570.500
47 5.544.000 616.000
48 5.971.500 663.500
49 6.426.000 714.000
50 6.903.000 767.000
51 7.591.500 843.500
52 8.532.000 948.000
53 8.991.000 999.000
54 9.639.000 1.071.000
55 10.318.500 1.146.500
56 11.061.000 1.229.000
57 11.790.000 1.310.000
58 12.582.000 1.398.000
59 13.410.000 1.490.000
60 14.751.000 1.639.000
61 16.227.000 1.803.000
62 17.851.500 1.983.500
63 19.638.000 2.182.000
64 21.600.000 2.400.000
65 23.760.000 2.640.000
66 26.136.000 2.904.000
67 28.750.500 3.194.500
68 31.626.000 3.514.000
69 34.789.500 3.865.500
70 38.268.000 4.252.000
71 42.093.000 4.677.000
72 46.305.000 5.145.000
73 50.940.000 5.660.000
74 54.450.000 6.050.000
75 61.650.000 6.850.000
76 67.815.000 7.535.000
77 74.565.000 8.285.000
78 106.645.500 11.849.500
79 117.292.500 13.032.500
80 129.051.000 14.339.000
Level Needed EXP Needed Item EXP
81 141.921.000 15.769.000
82 156.136.500 17.348.500
83 171.756.000 19.084.000
84 188.896.500 20.988.500
85 207.792.000 23.088.000
86 228.618.000 25.402.000
87 251.433.000 27.937.000
88 276.588.000 30.732.000
89 304.258.500 33.806.500
90 334.408.500 37.156.500
91 468.549.900 52.061.100
92 515.404.890 57.267.210
93 566.945.379 62.993.931
94 623.639.916 69.293.324
95 686.003.908 76.222.656
96 754.604.299 83.844.922
97 830.064.729 92.229.414
98 913.071.202 101.452.355
99 922.500.000 102.500.000
100 967.500.000 107.500.000
101 994.500.000 110.500.000
102 1.012.500.000 112.500.000
103 114.000.000
104 1.039.500.000 115.500.000
105 1.057.500.000 117.500.000